Before We're Dead

Ferraby Lionheart
Album : Catch The Brass Rin...

Run faster than the day
Take away this skin and bone
Ive got no home
Birds waiting for the hand
Waiting for the man Ill stand around the land
You can be high
You can be low
Under tree over the world
I still believe theres time to live before were dead
Lust turning into rust
We were on a bus in flames
Through lovers lane
Call the cats and call the bees and all the colonies with names
Well meet in Spain
You can be high
You can be low
Under tree over the world
I still believe theres time to live before were dead
Sleeping in the sun
Eating on the train
Living on the run
Loving through the pain
Cant afford to lose a second of the day
Its moving on and on and on
You can be high
You can be low
Under tree over the world
I still believe theres time to live before were dead

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