The Violent Season

New Blue Death (뉴 블루 데쓰)
Album : New Blue Death

Never have I seen your body fall
Watching it all now you're alone
Now I can find that your flag
is white
All that lives all must die
Never have I walked worn down
the soles
Dragging my heels I wish I could
feel all that you feel
but I'm checked out
I've left the house for the
violent season
Always do the waves bring your
The bass is the same the middle
The tide is out and the wind it
whips like a snare drum come
Always the same
Always the same
Never want to know
never let go never want to say so
I don't want to let it go
I don't want to let it go
Always to blame
Always to blame
Always to blame
Who's to say now
Never want to say so
I don't want to let it go
I don't want to let it go
Always do the waves bring your
The bass is the same the middle
The tide is out and the wind it
whips like a snare drum come

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