
시봉 (sibong)
Album : Red
Composition : 시봉 (sibong)
Composing : IOF, 시봉 (sibong)

너랑 나랑 너랑 오늘 달릴래
(You and me and you, why don’t we drive today?)
너랑 나랑 심장이 뛰네
(Your and my heart seems beating fast)
노랑 노랑 별이 타오르네
(Yellow… oh yellow star is sparkling)
어둔미로속을 가르며
(Passing through the dark labyrinth,)
잿빛도로위를 달리며
(Racing on the grey drive way)
아드레날린이 넘쳐흘러
(Adrenalin overflows now)
The empty high way,
The wind In my hair,
i’m feeling so alive
Red lights flashing,
Sirens wailing,
I know I’m in danger
“But I’m riding my dream”
I’m riding my dream
I’m riding my dream
I’m riding my dream
Vroom Vroom
Driving my Red
Vroom Vroom
Driving my Red! Red! Red!
우리 둘이 부비부비 춤출래
(Why don’t two of us grind up?)
둘이 둘이 부디 행복해
(All I want for us is to be happy)
부리 부리 우릴 압도하네
(Oh, it’s overwhelming us now)
깊은터널속을 넘어서
(Passing through deep tunnel)
시간공간따윈 초월해
(Transcending time and space)
혈관속을해매 무아지경
(In a trance of flowing hot blood vessels)
Into the unknown,
Through the night sky,
I’m feeling so alive
Red lights flashing,
Sirens wailing
I know I’m in danger
“But I’m riding my dream”
I’m riding my dream
I’m riding my dream
I’m riding my dream
Vroom Vroom
Driving my Red
Vroom Vroom
Driving my Red! Red! Red!
One blazing Red Red Red!
All around
Racing on Red Red Red!
All around

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