Hammerhead Shark

꼬마버스 타요
Album : TAYO Shark Songs
Composition : 최종일(아이코닉스)
Composing : 최종일(아이코닉스)

The~ hammerhea~d shark/ loo~ks li~ke a hammer
Everybody get together a~nd/ let’s/ have a ball
It’s a gentlemanly shark
And a pretty lady shark
It’s a(the) ba~ll o~f sharks
The~ hammerhea~d sharks a~ll ca~me to the ball
Everybody get together a~nd/ find your sha~rk match
Dancing gentlemanly sharks
Dancing pretty lady sharks
It’s a(the) ba~ll o~f sharks
(Interlude) 10 seconds
The ball of hammerhead sharks is starting right now!
The~ hammerhea~d shark/ loo~ks li~ke a hammer
Everybody get together a~nd/ let’s/ have a ball
With two hands Lalalala
And tails sha sha la sha
All together da~nce da~nce
With more gusto~!
(Tempo speeds up)
Shoulders go up down up down, bottoms go wiggle wiggle
Everybody get together, clap your hands clap clap clap!
With two hands Lalalalala
And tails sha sha la sha
All together da~nce da~nce

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