I Say

Hey Bro.
Album : I Say
Composition : 지성원
Composing : 지성원
Arrangements : 지성원, 넌

I was Born wrong. I say! (잘못 태어났어. 내 말이.)
What the fake Rolax? I say! (흑수저가 뭐냐. 내 말이.)
Shouldn‘t have done to college. I say! (대학 가지 말걸. 내 말이.)      
Busking is better then Ivy league! (문과보다 이과. 내 말이.)
Why do blind date. I say! (소개팅은 왜 해. 내 말이.)
Shouldn’t have loved. I say! (연애하지 말걸. 내 말이.)
Dating account. What’s that? (데이트 통장, 그게 뭐?)
Who will tip it? Ahh! (연말정산 누구 거? 아!)
Shouldn’t have bought stocks. I say! (주식하지 말걸. 내 말이.)
Will I hit the jackpot? just even once! (로또 좀 안 되냐. 내 말이.)
I should have bought Bitcoin. I say! (비트코인 살걸. 내 말이.)
Year 2014, It was one penny! (이천십사~년, 백사원!!!)
Should have become a YouTuber! (유튜버나 할걸. 내 말이.)
A.I came out! I say! (에이아이 나와. 내 말이.)
Metaverse came out. I say! (메타버스 나와. 내 말이.)
What job should I get? I say! (무슨 일해야 돼? 내 말이.)
My MBTI. What’s yours? (내 MBTI. 넌 뭔데?)
INTJ. What’s that? (INTJ. 건 뭔데?)
Zuckerberg, Musk, All same same! (저커버그, 머스크, 다 샘샘.)
Is it name of bugs? Oh My! (곤충 이름이야? 이런 씨!)
All the same so what? I say! (똑같으면 뭐 해. 내 말이.)
I’m totally broke. I say! (나는 개털인데. 내 말이.)
Were born Same fate. I know Right! (같은 사주팔자. 그러게.)
Give it to dog. I say! (개나 갖다줘라. 내 말이.)

Should have gone on Diet. I say! (다이어트 할걸. 내 말이.)
Should have quit drinking and smoking. I say! (술 담배 끊을걸. 내 말이.)
Should have taken polyp out. I say! (용종이나 뗄걸. 내 말이.)
Give me the location. E.R! (좌표 찍어. 갈게. 응급실.)

Supervisor rudeness. I say! (윗사람 꼰대질. 내 말이.)
Subordibates confronts me. I say! (아랫사람 개김. 개나리!)
Never rising salary. I say! (안 오르는 월급. 내 말이.)
Monthly bomb payments. I say! (매달 카드 폭탄. 내 말이.)
This life is ruined. I say! (이번 생 망했어. 내 말이.)
Let’s not born again. I say! (환생하지 말자. 내 말이.)
Die hard live hard. I say! (우울증에 현타. 내 말이.)
Call the uber eats. I say! (배달이나 시켜. 내 말이.)
Shouldn’t married. I say! (결혼하지 말걸. 내 말이.)      
Shouldn’t have children. I say! (자식 낳지 말걸. 내 말이.)
Have no baby! happy life! (무자식이 상팔자. 내 말이.)
Single life be better. I say! (어른 말 들을걸. 내 말이.)

Shouldn’t have take a loan. I say! (대출 받지 말걸. 내 말이.)      
Shouldn’t have sold my soul. I say! (영끌하지 말걸. 내 말이.)
God Damn house. I say! (그깟 집 따위. 내 말이.)      
Self employment? No way! (자영업이 웬 말? 내 말이.)
Should I have done filial. I say! (효도라도 할걸. 내 말이.)
I miss you mom. I say! (보고 싶다 엄마. 내 말이.)
Are you good in heaven? My mom? (천국에 잘 있지? 울 엄마.)
There’s no Tinker Bell In my life! (옷 놓고 간 선녀 없더라.)

But still love you mom I love you! (그래도 울 엄마, 사랑해.)
And my dad too. I love you! (그리고 울 아빠, 사랑해.)
You don’t have to give me anything! (유산 없어도 돼.)      
But don’t let me born again. Okey? (하지만 담엔 또 낳지 마. 오케이?)
This life is better than after life! (저승보단 이승. 내 말이.)
Even though life like hell. I say! (똥밭에 굴러도. 내 말이.)
There’re three chances In life! (인생엔 삼세번. 기회가!)      
The sun will rise someday. I say! (쨍하고 해 뜰 날. 언젠가!)

It's a waste my paid for insurance! (4대 보험 뗀 거, 아깝다.)
Let’s die take a pension. I say! (연금 타고 죽자. 내 말이.)
I have some. It’s Handsome! (내 뒤에 벽 있다! 아, 완벽!)
My life is fact! Perfect! (내 인생은 펙트! 퍼펙트!!)
You say! She say! He say! I SAY!! (니 말이! 얘 말이! 쟤 말이! 내 말이!!)
I thought the dark tunnel could be autobahn. (컴컴한 동굴이 뻥 뚫린 터널이 될 줄 알았어
Why should pick a star from the sky? (하늘의 별은 왜 따?)
As long as I will be a star. That I thought. (내가 별이 되면 되지 생각했는데)
I sold the telescope..  망원경을 팔아먹었네?)

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