
Album : 로티프렌즈 세계 명작 공주송 (영어)

Rapunzel, Rapunzel, locked in the tower
There is no key, no door
I just wait here, combing my hair
Until the witch comes out there
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!
In this tower so high, I feel so alone
Wishing to see the world that I’ve never known

Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair
It’s not the witch, it’s Prince
Together we’re going to leave this tower
But the witch comes and hurts my prince
In this tower so high, I’m crying alone
Where is my dear prince?
I wish he was here

Rapunzel and the prince met again
Even when things were hard, they didn’t lose hope
Thus ends the story of Rapunzel

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