Highway Star

Deep Purple(딥 퍼플)

No_bo_dy gon_na take my car
I'm gon_na race it to the ground
No_bo_dy gon_na beat my car
it's gon_na break the speed of sound
oh it's a kill_ing ma_chine
it's got e_very_thing
Like a driv_ing po_wer
big fat tries ev_ery_thing
I love it and I need it I bleed it
yeah it's a wild hur_ri_cane
Al_right hold tight I'm a high_way star
No_bo_dy gon_na take my girl
I'm gon_na keep her to the end
No_bo_dy gon_na have my girl
she stays close on ev_ery bend
oh she's a kill_ing ma_chine
she's got ev_ery_thing
Like a mov_ing mouth bo_dy con_trol
and ev_ery_thing
I love her I need her I seed her
Yeah she turns me on
Al_right hold tight I'm a high_way star@
No_bo_dy gon_na take my head
I got speed in_side my brain
No_bo_dy gon_na steal my head
now that I'm on the road a_gain
oh I'm in hea_ven a_gain
I've got ev_ery_thing
Like a mov_ing ground throt_tle con_trol
and e_very_thing
I love it and I need itI seed it
Eight cy_lin_ders all mine
Al_right hold tight I'm a high_way star@
No_bo_dy gon_na take my car
I'm gon_na race it to the ground
No_bo_dy gon_na beat my car
it's gon_na break the speed of sound
oh it's a kill_ing ma_chine
it's got e_very_thing
Like a driv_ing po_wer big fat tries
I love it and I need it I bleed it
Yeah it's a wild hur_ri_cane
Al_right hold tight I'm a high_way star
I'm a high_way star I'm a high_way star@

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