가수, 노래, 앨범, 가사내용 검색이 가능합니다.

危险派对 (Dangerous Party) 저스틴 (Justin)

心甘情愿沦为你的傀儡 送你的玫瑰 比不上你的妩媚 你像是个会偷心的魔鬼 还没举起酒杯 我却已经沉醉 游离的目光在聚集 的讯息 You pull me close Move with the flow 不经意触碰的指尖 视线交会的瞬间 I think I'm losing control 逃不开 若即若离的坏 拜倒在 游戏反 趁现在 意乱情迷作怪 沉醉个痛快 Yeah (You're the

HAKUNA MATATA 저스틴 (Justin)

所有人被困在感官世界 无需征战 胜负在我的音乐 出招果断 英雄下最后通牒 掌握焦点 夺目耀眼 克敌制胜 招式算好 先别拜倒 斩乱麻 沉稳是快刀 以逸待劳 不推崇武力 愤怒大无畏 腰马合一 倒壶茶煮沸 天赋教育我 Game how to play 你招架 都不会 抱拳你听过没 知拳者知进退 你要想Talk to me 请你先别着急 先排好队 气运丹田才是最强武器 看我飞踢丈量土地 生来就靠自己

梦境环游 (Feat. 阿达娃) (Sleepwalking in Wonderland) 저스틴 (Justin)

Justin) 这种感觉像是幻觉 你仿佛好像在我的身边 若隐若现我们深处在迷雾 手尖搭着你迷人的 Tatoo Oh baby Tonight we have many things to do 我承认我不想输 请你要克制住 OMG 你的眼神不要这么迷离 别让我的努力变得没有意义 我们梦境中起舞 气氛在慢慢的渐入 佳境连我都开始变相信 身体变得僵硬 怪你为什么突然地靠近 我 眼神开始恍惚害羞的到没处躲

Wonderland 저스틴 (Justin)

I'm trying to escape From everything that on the groundTrying to escapeThrough the shadows that all around世界在崩塌 在下沉 这无奈的微尘 空洞的眼神My head is spinning Around and around and around每个人都带着面具 差不多的思绪 维持着秩...

意乱情迷 (Smitten) 저스틴 (Justin)

昏暗路灯 会轻易让人沦陷行人匆匆你显得格外的耀眼十字路口红灯浮现车水马龙吞噬一切脚步不自觉向前(靠近)你的眼神 犹如十二月的天寒风刺骨却让人别般的爱怜鸣笛声肆意响起催促距离该渐行渐远而我没有动 在原地 看着你 毫无顾忌视线里恍惚的你好让人意乱情迷越是沉溺越怕靠近两颗炙热的心听燃烧的声音滚烫的不可思议脑海里着迷的你好让人心生醋意独自守护这份美丽窗外汽笛声轰鸣就能淹没喘息今夜的风在我耳边喃喃自语...

Shawty (Feat. Capper) 저스틴 (Justin)

"Shawty 今晚美的不可思议让我沉迷 Oh wait我不相信 谁能让我起这样的反应 我被你将军 如果这是愚昧的爱 跌入陷阱 没办法回头从客厅到沙发角 爱的气氛 已带入了节奏你总是欲擒故纵 爱吊我胃口你的躲闪 才是我征服的理由 Oh Girl 我毫无保留才能让你拥有 无条件接受的温柔My girl 深夜在等候 你是让我失眠的凶手让我们翻滚 缠绵 让时间都冻结总会应验 沦陷 顷刻间在迷人的夜...

别再骂我了(Stop Abusing Me) 저스틴 (Justin)

窗外的空气好像是你冷冰冰 不搭理的语气我好没出息就连呼吸都是想你的字句一遍遍不停歇也不自觉在我脑海浮现把记忆都凝固成碎片不知道怎样拼接只剩我被忽略也被不屑在痛苦的边缘我们快乐的瞬间不停闪现 拜托你 别再骂我了Oh 我会难过的虽然我有时也会想Girl 你在想什么会不会在夜深的时候突然想起我会不会在难过的时候希望我在你左右 甚至 没有联系的方式只能 在逞强中克制太疲惫怎么收集勇气才能可以向你开口...

有花期的恋爱 (Seasonal Love) 저스틴 (Justin)

落幕散了场的电影只有路灯陪我清醒送你的花插入花瓶才发现它早已凋零那些书籍 还有游戏我们都没再提起忘在抽屉 彼此躲进各自天地Wo 有花期的恋爱Wo 凋落沦为尘埃我们曾经的故事情节随着季节不停更迭不知不觉 已在凋谢I don't know why说不好也不坏 却都倦怠也许爱到期限 就难免 渐行渐远残存的执念 再留恋 也不能回到原点花谢花开 就算再多感慨 也是无奈点不燃的冷淡 比纠缠还要难堪两人的...

PRAY 저스틴 (Justin)

就用恶意埋葬我不用非惺惺作态迎合纯洁或自甘堕落谁也没有资格救赎干涉让我再本能地贯彻贪婪的罪恶渴望 没有人能摆脱无法抗拒你的我 深陷在你温柔的漩涡不需要借口来自圆其说Don't say why 习惯被伤害 YeahLive or die 煎熬中期待直到末世的到来I pray for everything就算明天无数意外(只爱我所爱)I pray for everything就算没活在期待的未来...

危险(live) 李天责

别为那摇曳的烛光畅所欲言 别为那昂贵的红酒浑身发软 你偏爱 他的一切 你迷恋 他的谎言 他给你眩晕的感觉在人群中间 你给他完美的配合已成为习惯 你给他 无限的空间 欣赏他 深沉的表演 你看到的不是我心的颜色 再靠近一些我没有那么 我知道你害怕我冰冷的表情 是他们的笑让我看起来 你看到的不是我心的颜色 再靠近一些我没有那么 我知道你害怕我冰冷的表情 可是你 可是你 你看到的不是我心的颜色

人类太奇怪 ICE

[00:16:41]总把抱怨挂在嘴边 [00:18:90]人与人总讨论亏欠 [00:20:99]情绪在脑里反复拉扯 [00:25:36]生活分割成了碎片 [00:27:61]承诺也还没有兑现 [00:29:81]活在他们制定的法则 [00:35:13]欲望既迷人又 [00:36:84]现实总是站在你希望的面 [00:38:98]你看那时间不会停止 [00:40:26]生命保持行驶 [00:41

长大我要当警察 로보카폴리 (Robocar POLI)

抓坏人 保卫我们 安宁的生活 永远都 最可靠 我们的朋友 快长大 戴警徽 穿警靴 做一个 了不起的警察 嘀呜嘀呜 奋勇前进 奔跑啊奔跑 无论何时 多么 出动 出动 出动 嘀呜嘀呜 不惧 随时 奔赴 保卫 安宁生活 我梦想 当警察 别害怕!我来守护!

准备生日派对 달님이

为爸爸 准备 生日 准备 期待快乐 精彩 生日 期待 美味的食物 和 蛋糕 一定 让他 惊喜 特别的 生日~ 爸爸!请你期待吧! 期待!惊喜的! 虽然 有些 不熟练 也许不像 爸爸 那样 做得好 爱心! 爱心! 将爱心都装满 幸福! 幸福! 将幸福也装满 一起努力做蛋糕 充满爱心幸福 特别的生日蛋糕~ 为爸爸准备生日 准备! 期待快乐精彩生日 期待!

Hao Jiu Bu Jian 주걸륜

好久不见你还好吗 你的小狗长大了吗 我的围巾还围着吗 我的相片都丢了吧 我剪不到后面头发 这个借口还不错吧(哎哟不错) 一把剪刀一堆废话 还不是想求求你回来吧 别再一个人在生气 给他烦恼给他操心 虽然不关我的事情 谁叫他是我的兄弟耶 都这么久就算了吧 想想秋天就要过去耶 冬天来临他会怕冷 你不回来难道要我抱他 这样好吗 是我不好我没有紧紧抱住你 你说泪留着很


to moonn6pence from papayeverte 我心似那小船 如何能航向 有情人的臂弯 多渴望被召唤 一起去迷乱 敢爱的人不孤单 有人的爱情很狂野 我却要不俗野 半点了解和半点经验 我反覆前进又后退 Oh 看见了阳光 看见了 看见心里的疲倦 Oh 爱上了阳光 爱上了 爱情好坏难分辨 爱滑过了眼前 错过我的脸 矛盾那么明显 我心就像小船

童话世界舞会 달님이

这都是什么啊 这是为了太伶美准备的 太棒了 来吧 开始吧! 跳舞吧,跳舞吧 为了太伶美的欢乐 跳舞吧,跳舞吧 为了所有人的欢乐 耶! 这是梦想中盼望的童话王国 勇气闪亮 思维闪亮 心灵也闪亮闪亮 这是梦想中盼望的童话王国 大家都很幸福 真的很幸福 用爱心去 看一看 用爱心去 交朋友

Game Over R.E.D

无处可躲的预兆 空洞只剩情调 自动屏蔽讯号 I’m taking back these shots like Now that I talk I won’t mime 无人在意的比赛 This love, I’ll play like poker You know the game is over I’m not a player… 输得狼狈 将不现实的梦境一点点扯碎 无法成为 你的同类 逃离看似完美却

LOVE (Feat. 郑润泽) 队长

这是最好安排 因为你在 即使思念难捱 至少我看过那片海 把你抱紧 看你旋转背影 不知觉颤抖 爱你会有多久 还行 我的梦中人 最初的爱情不止一个人 看着你不知疲倦 不知道 不知道 这疑点 是我们 开始的起点 玫瑰不是每个都很 想陪着你 每一天 一些 莫名的莫名的语言 庆幸我们在同一个世界 我终于明白了 想你说 不知不觉 我就爱上了你 不用去怀疑 那么多经历 我留下陪你再不愿和你分离 用光了力气

爱的蛋糕 달님이

祝你 生日快乐 祝你 生日快乐 快乐的 生日会 蛋~糕 必不可 少 怎么 可以 忘记 歪歪扭扭 不太漂亮 这是 我做的 生日蛋糕 它 也想要去 生日 一起 去庆祝 又香又软 甜美可口 美味的 太伶美 蛋~糕 去参加 生日 耶 充满爱的 太伶美 蛋~糕 啊真的很抱歉也很感激呢,我该怎么报答呢 没事的,这是我们孩子的心意 快去给您的孩子庆祝生日吧 吧,小美? 嗯!

(팝송)저스틴 팀버레이크 - My Love (Feat.T.I) Justin Timberlake Featuring T.I.

Ain\'t no other woman that could take your spot My 네 자릴 대신할 수 있는 여잔 없어 If I wrote you a symphony 내가 네게 교향곡을 작곡해 준다면 Just to say how much you mean to me 그저 네가 내게 얼마나 큰 의민지 보여주려고 (what would you d...

애불정지 / 愛不停止 주효천 (Ken Chu)

当她心不在的时候 所作所为都没有办法挽回 你不再知道她是谁 因为她变得有点虚伪 当一切都变成了累赘 请告诉我我应该怎么收回 每一分钟都变得 因为它漫长得令人变得憔悴 再怎么坚强抵挡不了心碎 等她的眼神不再给你安慰 再怎么祈祷她要如何听见 我看见我现在无尽狼狈 再怎么坚强抵挡不了心碎 等她的眼神不再你爱恋 再怎么祈祷她要如何听见 爱不停止要如何宣泄 当一切都变成了累赘 请告诉我我应该怎么收回 每一分钟都变得

Beauty And A Beat Justin Bieber

Yeah Young Money Nicki Minaj Justin Show you off, Tonight I wanna show you off 너를 돋보이게 해. 난 오늘 밤 너를 돋보이게 해주고 싶어. What you got, a billion could\'ve never bought 니가 가진 것은 10억을 줘도 절대 살 수 없어.


是谁的声音 听着厌倦 他调侃昨天的新闻和晚餐 他说我们不会面临那场灾难 灯塔亮了 凌晨三点 云留下痕迹 吹散他的脸 像盒子装得下 却装不进温暖 白皮书调查了一万个夜晚 他的过去却失踪在里面 茫茫的大雾掩盖了心原 城市的烟囱遮蔽双眼 招待所只招待新闻和青年 过期的故事随事故消散 一路的波澜 平凡又 从山川到大海 幸福与苦难 他平静地诉说 步履蹒跚 广播响起 黎明之前 云留下痕迹 吹走他的脸 像盒子装得下

Somebody To Love (Remix) (feat. Usher) Justin Bieber(저스틴 비버)

[Justin Bieber] Ohh Ohh For you I’d write a symphony I’d tell the violin It’s time to sink or swim Watch him play for ya For you I’d be (Whoa) Runnin a thousand miles Just get you where you

Lady Dangerous IMP.

制御不能 このGravity 君のコアに吸い寄せられ険 でもOkey dokey yo (Boogie boogie bounce) 乗っかってく自我の勝ち 心が欲する禁断の果実 Ayベサチみたく瞳が合うと 大抵の奴はStone Stiffen 薔薇のような宝石得たくば Painも凌駕 そのスペルはL All my friends told me that I should stay away from

U Smile Justin Bieber

it’s my command Hey hey hey You smile I smile (whoa) You smile I smile Hey hey hey You smile I smile I smile I smile I smile You smile I smile Oh You smile I smile You smile I smile [출처] Justin

U Smile (Album Version) Justin Bieber

Cause it’s my command Hey hey hey You smile I smile (whoa) You smile I smile Hey hey hey You smile I smile I smile I smile I smile You smile I smile Oh You smile I smile You smile I smile [출처] Justin

Puzzle Pieces (feat. Colbie Caillat) Justin Young(저스틴 영)

We used to talk for hours on the phone Any night I was away from home That\'s the way it was before We used to sleep just like a set of spoons Now it\'s like I\'m in the other room I\'m a fork and ...

Never Let You Go Justin Bieber(저스틴 비버)

Oh, no, oh, no, oh They say that hate has been sent So let loose the talk of love (of love, of love) Before they outlaw the kiss Baby, give me one last hug There\'s a dream that I\'ve been chasing...

That Should Be Me Justin Bieber(저스틴 비버)

Everybody\'s laughing in my mind Rumors spreading \'bout this other guy Do you do what you did when you did with me Does he love you the way I can Did you forget all the plans that you made with me...

Mistletoe Justin Bieber(저스틴 비버)

It\'s the most beautiful time of the year Lights fill the streets spreading so much cheer I should be playing in the winter snow But I\'mma be under the mistletoe I don\'t wanna miss out on the ho...

Catching Feelings Justin Bieber(저스틴 비버)

The sun comes up on another morning My mind never wakes up without you on it And it\'s crazy to me, I even see you in my dreams Is this meant to be? Could be happening to me? We were best of frien...

Mirrors (Radio Edit) Justin Timberlake(저스틴 팀버레이크)

Aren\'t you somethin\' to admire Cause your shine is somethin\' like a mirror And I can\'t help but notice You reflect in this heart of mine If you ever feel alone and The glare makes me hard to fi...

All I Want For Christmas Is You (Superfestive!) (Duet With Mariah Carey) Justin Bieber(저스틴 비버)

I don\'t want a lot for Christmas There is just one thing I need I don\'t care about presents Underneath the Christmas tree I don\'t need to hang my stocking There upon the fireplace Santa Claus wo...

Baby (feat. Ludacris) Justin Bieber(저스틴 비버)

?(Ohh wooaahhh) x3 You know you love me I know you care Just shout whenever, And I\'ll be there You want my love You want my heart And we would never, ever, ever be apart Are we an item? Girl qui...

Nothing Like Us (Bonus Track) Justin Bieber(저스틴 비버)

Lately I\'ve been thinkin\', Thinkin\' bout what we had, and I know it\'s hard, it was all that we knew... Have you been drinkin\'? To take all the pain away, I wish that I could give you what you...

Condition Of My Heart Justin Guarini(저스틴 구아리니)

How much time has passed since you said goodbye. Got your message today asking how am I, Well I\'m doing just fine. To admit the truth, hasn\'t crossed my mind. all I needed was some time, was it a...

Pray (Acoustic ver.) Justin Bieber(저스틴 비버)

I just cant sleep tonight. Knowing that things aint right. Its in the papers, its on the TV, its everywhere that I go. Children and crying. Soldiers are dying Some people don’t have a home But I k...

Timeless (duet with Kelly Clarkson) Justin Guarini(저스틴 구아리니)

Baby come close let me tell you this In a whisper my heart says you know it too Baby we both share a secret wish And you feeling my love reaching out to you 그대 가까이 다가와서 내가 사랑을 내뱉게 해봐요. 내 마음이 당신도 역...

As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic Ver.) Justin Bieber(저스틴 비버)

[Justin Bieber] As long as you love me As long as you love me As long as you love me Im under pressure, seven billion people in the world trying to fit in Keep it together, smile on your face even

Baby (feat. Ludacris) (SBS K팝 스타 시즌2 방예담 가창곡) Justin Bieber(저스틴 비버)

Oh oooooh, oh oooooh, oh oooooh, oh oooooooooohhh. You know you love me, I know you care. Just shout whenever and I; ll be there. You want my love, you want my heart, And we will never, ever, ever...

Mirrors Justin Timberlake(저스틴 팀버레이크)

?Aren\'t you somethin\' to admire \'Cause your shine is somethin\' like a mirror And I can\'t help but notice, you reflect in this heart of mine If you ever feel alone and the glare makes me hard t...

Never Say Never (feat. Jaden Smith) Justin Bieber(저스틴 비버)

Never say never (never never never) Pick it up, pick, pick, pick it up Pick it up, pick, pick, pick it up Pick it up, pick, pick, pick it up Pick it up, pick, pick, pick it up You see I never thou...

Cabaret (feat. Drake) Justin Timberlake(저스틴 팀버레이크)

Hey, hey, hey Come on We are having too much fun right here She\'s got a secret but I know She wanna break it down for me like she tryna get some paper Who needs a stage with the lights low Cause ...

Never Say Never (feat. Jaden Smith) Justin Bieber(저스틴 비버)?

?See I never thought that I could walk through fire. I never thought that I could take the burn. I never had the strength to take it higher, Until I reached the point of no return. And there’s jus...

Suit & Tie (feat. Jay-Z) Justin Timberlake(저스틴 팀버레이크)

? I be on my suit and tie shit, tie shit, tie I be on my suit and tie shit, tie shit Can I show you a few things? A few things, a few things, little baby cause I be on my suit and tie shit, tie shi...

Boyfriend Justin Bieber(저스틴 비버)

If I was your boyfriend, I’d never let you go I can take you places you ain’t never been before Baby take a chance or you’ll never ever know I got money in my hands that I’d really like to blow Swa...

Bigger Justin Bieber(저스틴 비버)

Bigger, the love, the love is Bigger, the love, the love is bigger, big Gotta believe in (gotta believe in me) Believe it like a fairytale (fairytale) What you got under your pillowcase No, I won\...

Bad Day Justin Bieber(저스틴 비버)

No I didn\'t think you would let me down That easy Oh no girl And I didn\'t think It was over, until you walked away Like it was nothing baby And that moment was so hard for me to breathe Yeah, be...

Sexyback Justin Timberlake(저스틴 팀버레이크)

I\'m bringing sexy back Them other boys don\'t know how to act I think your special whats behind your back So turn around and ill pick up the slack. 내가 섹시함을 다시 보여주지 딴 녀석들은 뭘 어떻게 해야 하는질 몰라 사람을 특별하게...