가수, 노래, 앨범, 가사내용 검색이 가능합니다.

Sumer (苏默) Bad Sweetheart

Oh Ms Sumer Share me your cigarette, please Something was broken My band came to the end Our bassist ran for work Our drummer didn’t care I’m no longer a teenager I know I need to feel sorry for

Damn (该死的车站) Bad Sweetheart

我想到这 公车停了下来 天色已晚 你望着窗外 夏天广场 潮湿的学生和蝉 是时候分两半 你又笑了 眼底却是阴霾 涌动的热 没把它们拨开 就送到这 今天感到十分愉快 沉的退场白 都怪这该死的车站 路比想象中短 白猫泄了气的眼在探 所有摇晃都有关 惧怕滚烫答案 新的再见将造句推翻 所有摇晃都有关 惧怕滚烫答案 今夜请让我把话说完

American Sweet Nothing (以前我也喜欢模仿美国人那样把爱挂在嘴上) Bad Sweetheart

还是想她 我最差劲还是想她 有没有一种方法 能总给她完美的解答 深夜阁楼的蜻蜓 找不到困扰的阴影 窗外城市已暂停 雨水从云朵漏出去 砸中你 还是想她 我最差劲还是想她 以前我也喜欢模仿美国人那样把爱挂在嘴上 但慢慢慢慢地 我也就不说啦 是真是假 一种温和常有两种诠释方法 天台 楼梯 路灯下的现身说法 最沉的电话 爱的代价 (口白) 深夜阁楼的蜻蜓 找不到困扰的阴影 窗外城市已暂停 雨水从云朵漏出去

Sweetheart Frankie & The Knockouts

I know baby it's hard to be strong Just take the good with the bad And don't think you're alone Cause I know all your sad goodbyes Cause I've been there before To help you dry your eyes Sweetheart

Flow (影视剧《脱轨》插曲) 苏醒

me flow 感受离心的时空 手心握紧了风 不重走的路 也不必等的灯 Flow~ 曾经过着混乱的生活 把孤独当作抗拒的借口 不曾想却把贵贱高下 误会带进生命里头 那些理所当然和不逞多让 随着时间流淌慢慢消退 不再幻想那不顾一切的乘风破浪 那些违心的看法 被压垮 无常的变化 真相总会醒来 In the end when everybody woke up 用新的双手 新的方向 重新开始新的生活 用沉打破质疑

就让电影开头被错过 苏醒AllenSu

就让电影开头被错过 就让公车忘了等我 就让这场雨说好了明天却降落 生活本就幽 好好的心情出门 不小心碰到Ta 却被问候家人 说好了下个见的就是我 等着等着等着等到黄昏 见不到的客户回回都Delay 避不了的同事天天都挤兑 干活排队不是比别人老几岁 就是业务范围不太匹配 废寝忘食没达到标准 同桌轻轻松松就拿了高分 重要的项目刚刚update 机子down掉文件还没保存 明明网上买的同款说是古力娜扎

Sweet Sweetheart Carole King

You're a sweet sweetheart You've been a real good friend You're around when I'm down To pick me up again Though it could never be said To my faults you're blind You overlook the bad And you keep all the

阳光正好 姚安娜, 苏鑫

故事的结局 谁都不知道 一直在寻找 当伤口痊愈 你说你还好 什么都没少 真相逆行而去 载着善与恶胶着的迷局 烟雾隐没证据 在荒野之上沉着前行 黑夜尽头是破晓 向着地平线全力奔跑 就算在风中跌倒 伤痛终会有回报 信念不言语 在街头缠绕 在心中燃烧 漫长的剧 终于要揭晓 拼图的缺角 真相逆行而去 载着善与恶胶着的迷局 烟雾隐没证据 在荒野之上沉着前行 黑夜尽头是破晓 向着地平线全力奔跑 就算在风中跌倒

Now Welcom Somer Mediaeval Baebes

Now welcom sumer, with thy sonne softe That hast this wintres weders over-shaker And driven awey the longe nightes blake!

Sweetheart Come Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds

Come over here, babe lt ain't that bad I don't claim to understand The troubles that you've had But the dogs you say they fed you to Lay their muzzles in your lap And the lions that they led you to Lie

Corny Summer Light (红色的下午) Bad Sweetheart

一阵阵眩晕 在不停地加剧 最热的频率 轰鸣着的玻璃 你对我说 公交 不总是惬意的 但等下呢 窗外 会有一条河 Corny summer light 站在城市外 看墙上的壁虎 车停住 红色的下午 留下给我的是 最摇晃的公路 发呆的鱼鹰 在老房子上暂停 水面上的风 阳光的三角形 我对你说 不如 就在这下车吧 你睡醒了 说好的 就在这下车吧

Ga Ga Ga (嘎嘎嘎) Bad Sweetheart

睁开眼睛被降落伞打中 鸭子被证明消失在 持续的 丛林之中 整蛊是你唯一的动机 诈骗到龟兔的起跑线 很意外 但没有用 或许失败都有预谋 让我坠入无尽的迷宫 睡意全部跑出来了 我们困在昏头的霓虹 睁开眼睛被降落伞打中 鸭子被证明消失在 持续的 丛林之中 或许失败都有预谋 让我坠入无尽的迷宫 睡意全部跑出来了 我们困在昏头的霓虹

Heartbreak Finland (骑车去芬兰) Bad Sweetheart

离开这片空气 你就能放松你的身体 我们会到吗 你还在等什么 我不会再忧郁 只要旅途不需要回去 做一个机器 只能修理自己 延续 继续 持续 无聊的电视剧 延续 继续 持续 晚上就骑车离开这里 你讨厌的东西 到了Helsinki都会死去 能陪我去吗 武汉在下雨 我们从阳台出去 或是在终点假装偶遇 都会很有趣 这不是诈骗信 飞行 未必 顺利 但好过自己骗自己 拜托你 拜托你 别问我动机 只要能立刻离开这里

Girl's Monologue (今天就到这) Bad Sweetheart

如果让我选的话应该就是这一年吧十九岁到二十岁这一年最值得纪念十八岁反而没有因为虽然对我来说快乐最重要但是 当你把快乐放在首位的时候最值得你去怀念和纪念的东西就一定不会再是单纯的快乐了就像小的时候 长个儿的时候晚上睡觉腿会疼最后得到的是个子长高了但是这样的一个过程是疼的你在经历的时候不会去想我的个子要长高了你只会觉得 好疼啊睡不着觉的疼但是后来等你不再长个儿的时候你就会去怀念怀念小时候的那个疼...

Wandering Room (流浪室) Bad Sweetheart

喷涌而出吧 我不再多想 快回到我的家 云朵很美 值得抬头仰望 躺在水中央 不该再想昨天什么样 这里有没有天堂 亲爱的朋友你别慌张 天堂是你新房的墙 喷涌而出吧 我头昏脑涨 快回到我的家 那里有山有河 成群绵羊 还有我自己的雕像 不敢再看明天的太阳 又起又落让人羞愧难当 每年生日都许下愿望 要有勇气能直截了当 喷涌而出吧 我不再多想 快回到我的家 云朵很美 值得抬头仰望 躺在水中央

Kuang Dang (跳跃) Bad Sweetheart

脑袋被衣架卡住了 就会旋转 脖子被坏人卡住了 就会完蛋 搬家被走廊卡住了 柜子只能扔掉 我开始被你卡住了 手指交叉 又分开 又交叉 又分开 很快很快 窗外的鸟也 跳跃不起来 跳跃不起来 跳跃不起来 脑袋被衣架卡住了 就会旋转 脖子被坏人卡住了 就会完蛋 搬家被走廊卡住了 柜子只能扔掉 我开始被你卡住了 手指交叉 又分开 又交叉 又分开 很快很快 窗外的鸟也 跳跃不起来 啊 跳跃不起来 啊 跳跃不起来

Summer Transition (夏日的转场) Bad Sweetheart

错过海浪的预告 冰冷的你扑向我 现在是露营时间 太阳从海面沉没 最后尝试一次 近乎完美的冲浪 想象滑行正要 随着海浪消失 用力寻找熟悉的 炎热生活的薄荷糖 输给了风更自由 输给安静是意料之外的 海水冲刷膝盖 多余的盐分留下来 我想它也正在 用力摆脱海 没有值得我追逐的事物 当你被叫醒 我猜你找不到我 没有值得我追逐的事物 等你睁眼时 你可能看不见我 没有值得我追逐的事物 当你被叫醒 我猜你找不到我 没有值得我追逐的事物 等你睁眼时 你可能看不见我

Last Date (浪费了现在) Bad Sweetheart

她的笑声一直不停在循环怎么逃也逃不出喝醉的傍晚日子像每天抹不干净的黑板苦恼的风扇野餐没找到树荫找到了麻烦请帮我收走吧虽然我没喝完难得我们吃过几百次的午餐可我快忘记你了我该表达清楚意思就离开不然就等于浪费了现在我该表达清楚意思就离开不然就等于浪费了现在尝试着不停循环bye bye badman你叽叽喳喳我的期待被打翻她金色的头发阳光下痉挛但与我无关乌云的倒影停留湖面在打转咸的心情冲刷额头的终端...

Empty Watch (没有时间的手表) Bad Sweetheart

她送我 没有时间的手表 说这样长夜就不再难熬 火车经过窗下 月光爬进纱网 她走之后的时间很凉 没预料 暑假也变得难熬 明明去了 一直想去的小岛 海水弄潮了背包 我们的照片也湿了 贴在玻璃上 该哭还是笑 能不能再快一点 长大后就变安全 就算会混淆时间 那我也心甘情愿 只要不再为你烦恼一点点 能不能再快一些 长大后就变安全 就算会混淆时间 那我也心甘情愿 只要不再为你烦恼一点点

Silver Hillside (银色山坡) Bad Sweetheart


Drunk Talk (我总是不懂你的意思) Bad Sweetheart

叱吒樂壇我最喜愛的男歌手誒讀出嚟G一 二 三我总是不懂你的意思和青年人眼中闪烁的物质有一天大火烧着了我们的房子你会说好 重新开始喝酒喝到天亮都忘了要人结账自圆其说的思想下一周基本会忘光谷夜行公交去哪里我不知道醉倒在时代广场你对我讲我总是不懂你的意思和青年人眼中闪烁的物质有一天大火烧着了我们的房子你会说好 重新开始我总是不懂你的意思和青年人眼中闪烁的物质有一天大火烧着了我们的房子你会说好 重新...

Outro (拜了) Bad Sweetheart

我又碰见你了 你的头发还是黄色 但我不喜欢了 我不再喜欢你了 我又碰见你了 在我最畅快的场合 你袖子长长的 我送你上了车 我又碰见你了 过去好像从不曲折 还是我成熟了 你也成熟了 我又碰见你了 今夜我不想清醒着 得告一段落了 告一段落了 拜了 我又碰见你了 今夜我不想清醒着 得告一段落了 要过去了 我又碰见你了 这是最后一首骊歌 尽管我仍不想 再见了亲爱的 拜了

Scream (尖叫) Bad Sweetheart

Oh, there time beginsThey already have a buildingUnder constructionThe shadow is longThat I carry it on my backWhen I was wrongOh, there time beginsThey already have a buildingUnder constructionThe...

Avian (鸟) Bad Sweetheart

My father's time is not the truly timeHe’s just a running truckthrough the wildTill he comes homeMoonlight shine is flat as a knifeThrough the gardenand cut off the lighter fireTell me some tricks ...

Stupidest Lover (蠢爱人) Bad Sweetheart

I’m your stupidest loverMaking faces when I messed it upMy eyes have closed from now and everTo all the angels but youSilver moonlight shore upon usDrown the simplicity of pleasureGod of love sneak...

Boohoo! (呜呼!) Bad Sweetheart

So I will not wait for youMy little sweetie girlThank you for having meTo your store in WaterlooSilence moreMy apologies will coolSuch a perfect goodWhy are youBoohoo!Next one can’t be worse than m...

Selfish Lips (自私的嘴唇) Bad Sweetheart

Don't be so mean to meSelfish lipsWhat should we didBe follyOr drowned in a lingering loopI swear I wanna let you goAnd make a plan to suicideon your honeymoonIf I'm honoured to have your careThe b...

Rainy Nonsense (雨天胡话) Bad Sweetheart

Greens to redWhite birds come downto streets just standing there“I’ll call you back”The phone is ringingdown below the sewerLiberal parkKids come in line to playand shake my handDizzy HeadMary-go-r...


두 눈을 감고 바람을 느껴요 살랑 내 맘을 스쳐요 손가락 사이로 사라질까봐 미리 마음 떨려 와요 머물러요 지금은 내 곁에 내게 불어줘요 그저 바람 같은 사람 내게 그대는, 내게 그대는 Oh my sweetheart, i'm still with you 언제라도 날 찾아요 불다 지쳐 힘들 때면 잠시 와서 쉬어줘요 you're my everything

Sweetheart Mariah Carey

got to give Bridge A full moon (yeah yeah) Is waiting in the twilight Maybe soon You will come to be my night Here we are Hoping that we never part Stay with me Hook Baby, won't you be my sweetheart

Sweetheart 한희정

감추지 않을거야 서툰 설레임 FOR YOU MY LOVE 품에 안길까봐 MY HEART 내 소중함 이젠 너인걸 I LOVE MY SWEETHEART I LOVE MY SWEETHEART MY LOVE 꿈을 꿀거야 I LOVE MY SWEETHEART 사랑 내게 와줘 MY LOVE 기다려왔던 거야 낯선 설레임 FOR YOU MY LOVE 품에

Sweetheart Mariah Care..

on one J D y'all uh M C y'all I'm the man to fulfill your needs Get you everything that you see In your dreams baby let nothing And nobody tear us apart If forever you'll be my sweetheart

Sweetheart Jermaine Dupri

Def) MC y'all (what you think about) I'm the man to fulfill your needs Get you everything that you see in your dreams (c'mon) Baby, lighten up and let nobody tear us apart If forever you'll be my sweetheart

Sweetheart 더 문샤이너스(The Moonshiners)

내 마음을 사정없이 흔들어대는 내앞의 그대는 누구야 봄바람에 날리듯 살랑거리는 그대의 치맛자락이 내게 미소짓네 그대의 이름을 불러봐도 될까 그대의 몸짓을 바라보네 내안의 무언가가 무너짐을 느낄때 기적의 순간은 스치듯 지나가네 나의 눈동자는 그댈 향하네 분홍빛 입술에 향기가 깃들때 (오늘밤 그 거리에서) 나를 맞이해줘 (한밤의 열기속에서) 함께 머물고...


Sweetheart but it doesn’t beat for me It beats softly in love but not for me Sweet lips I know I’ll never kiss You’re what I’m afraid I must miss *I’m a waitress in the donut shop I see

Sweetheart Mariah Carey And Jermaine Dupr

(my sweetheart) MC: We can share a story book romance JD: What you think about JD: What you think about JD: You and me, baby, goin' one-on-one MC: Just you and I MC: Baby, won't you

Sweetheart Bee Gees

Long as you're there to stand and guide me The love we share no one can ever tear apart Long as I've got this life I'm living Long as it's you the love I'm with then I'll keep on calling you sweetheart

Sweetheart Marianne Faithfull

Sweetheart I'm changing my role in life, I'm not re-arranging the main things in my life. I ain't sacrificing what I hold as true, I ain't sacrificing, sweetheart even for you.

Sweetheart Engelbert Humperdinck

beside me Long as you're there to stand a guide me The love we share, no one can ever tear apart Long as I've got this life I'm living Long as it's you, the love I'm with then I'll keep on callin' you sweetheart

Sweetheart Various Artists

little love Something's got to give A full moon (yeah yeah) Is waiting in the twilight Maybe soon You will come to be my night Here we are Hoping that we never part Stay with me Baby, won't you be my sweetheart

Sweetheart Mari Persen

my dream While fairies are surrounding us with cream Stars are having fun while swimmin' in your eyes And angels sing your words in lullabies It touch me 'til I can't think us apart I love you my Sweetheart

Sweetheart Thin Lizzy

Sweetheart It's affecting me Sweetheart It's so effective Sweetheart Do you detect in me A sacred sweetheart If I told you about my plan would you believe me?

Sweetheart Lloyd Cole

really got some kind of way with words maybe you could be a writer you could do worse 'cause when i saw you i just knew i always would belong to you goodbye baby, well you'll never see my smiling face sweetheart

Sweetheart 더 문샤이너스

내 마음을 사정없이 흔들어대는내 앞의 그대는 누구야봄바람에 날리듯 살랑거리는그대의 치맛자락이 내게 미소짓네그대의 이름을 불러봐도 될까?그대의 몸짓을 바라보네내안의 무언가가 무너짐을 느낄때기적의 순간은 스치듯 지나가네나의 눈동자는 그댈 향하네분홍빛 입술에 향기가 깃들때(오늘밤 그 거리에서) 나를 맞이해줘(한밤의 열기속에서) 함께 머물고 싶어(그대를 가지...

Sweetheart Penelope Houston

Sweetheart they're gonna talk about us Well I say ??Live and let die??br>Sweetheart they're gonna talk about us Well I say ??Live and let die??

Sweetheart 호연

저기 타오르는 태양을 좀봐 넘실 거리는 파도를 비추고있어 너는 태양 나의 마음은 파도 오래전부터 넌 나를 비추고있어 Oh my sweetheart Woo woo Hoo ah 너무 로맨틱하지 상상만해도 덜컹 심장이 쿵 Hoo ah 어지러워 어쩌나 더윌먹었나 내 이마 만져봐 어때 더 이상은 망설이지 않을꺼야 혼자 상상만 하지도 않을거야 오오오

Sweetheart babychair

SomehowI've been thinking bout youRight nowYou don't even notice a clueI don't know whyYou crossed my mindNo one but IStill wanna try sometimesI'll be around whenever you need(Givin' it up Givin' i...

sweetheart 오닐 (ONiLL)

you always stay here by my sideand I’m so grateful that you’re minelooking all the way backfrom when we met to where we areyou have changed my life all through the timewhen you keep staring into my...

Enter Vril-Ya Therion

forces to strong for mankind to know O land Vril-Ya An Vril-Ya Secret chieves of Agharti Will reveal the lore of Vril And Aldebaran (and) Aldebaran Ansa Agarthi Yani-Ya Koom-Zi Vril-Ya An Sumer

위대한 사랑 (중국어판) 김미아

放弃你 想忘记却好清晰 多么熟悉的风景,你沉的侧影 像每个雨天午夜散场的电影 雨过天晴, 我的心渐渐醒 然而匆匆的街头连呼吸的节奏 提醒着我曾依偎着你的温柔 回忆像我的独奏 回放在我的天空 我曾说陪伴你是我最永恒的快乐 为什么放开我的手 曾经的我跟随你的足迹 走入时间的海里 回到过去只为拥抱着你 带给你勇气 如今的你笑着说对不起 陷入了思念沉 一路走过好曲折