Pursue The Truth (Jekyll, John Utterson)
Robert Cuccioli
Album : 지킬앤하이드 (Jekyll & Hy...
Composition : Frank Wildhorn
Composing : Frank Wildhorn
How can I pursue the truth,
When they can block each step I take ?
Henry, you have come too far-
Remember what you have at stake !
John, I know Im right !
I must let my vision guide me !
Im so weary of the fight !
Theres so little left inside me !
If you know that you are right,
Then youve got to see it through,
Youve got to see it through !
Seven years ago,
I started out on this alone,
Now its alone Ill see it through
To its conclusion !
Who are they
To judge what I am doing ?
They know nothing
Of the endless possibilities I see !
Its ludicrous Im bound by their decision !
Seems vision
Is a word
Theyve never heard !
If it mattered less,
Id treat them with derision-
Its absurd !
And yet, the fact remains.
Those bastards hold the reins !