For My Country

Joey Tempest
Album : A Place To Call Home
Like a vision
That I keep inside
A memory locked away
No borderlines
No enemies
No religion to betray
I have felt the change
And it hurts me too
That no distance can deny
This is for my country
Still battered and still bruised
Ive come to offer all I can
I will fight for you
I will fight for you
You climb a hill
Yet you fall down a mountain
When the truth is hard to face
And envy you
So proud and strong
Still your people you embrace
And I am part of that
What youve given me
I have come to give it back
This is for my country
The spirit of my song
Ive seen you suffler long enough
And its where I belong
Its where I belong
I will keep my word
I will retrify
With all that I am worth
This is for my country
Forever I am bound
With every bit of strength I hold
Id never let you down
Id never let you down
Its where I belong

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