Dragon Slayer (Re-recording)
하즈 (HASE)
Album : This is WonderLand
Composition : 성원, 손효민 (ShowMe)
Composing : 성원
Arrangements : 성원, 손효민 (ShowMe), 이혜윤, 박세영 (PpakSe), 하경호 (HoYa)
I want take lose my way
Believe in my faith,
Pick up the spear and shield
When I saw an old compass,
Arrived at the castle
And finally I faced it
Red dragon cut off,
Be covered in my head blood
Finally, I look up and check
She had a shining eyes,
She was my princess
When I looking back up,
The Other dragon was looking at me
A lot of physical potion,
A lot of magical scroll,
A lot of powerfull gear,
Does it mean anything?
I got of sharp tooth,
I got of giant wing,
I got of shiny scale,
Does it mean anything?
Black dragon cut off,
Be covered in my head blood
Finally, I look up and check
She had a shining eyes,
She was my princess
When I looking back up,
There were only ghosts in the castle
All dragon cut off
be covered in my head blood
Finally, I was left alone
They had eyes of resentment
They were my princess
When I looking back up
There was nothing anymore