Song of Joseph : 요셉의 노래 (누가복음 2장 1-20절)
엘 자쉬
Album : Merry Christmas
Composition : 엘 자쉬
Composing : 엘 자쉬
하나님 우릴 택하시고
우리에게 주신 임마누엘
God with us humans
How can we understand?
The time has come, His will be done
우리에게 주신 아들 그이름 예수
Our son, but Son of most high God
지극히 높은자의 아들 아기 예수
Immanuel, the God with us forever
아기예수 나의 구세주 찬양
A baby that I delievered
Will deliever all of us with HIs name
처음 아기 가졌을 그 때 그 두려움
What had happened to me ?
Soon the angel of Lord let us know
The baby is the Son of most HIgh God
Immanuel God with us Forever
What a mystery made a history
아기 예수 나의 구세주 영원히 찬양
A baby that we received will save us
Immanuel God with us I praise Him
What a mystery became the flesh
아기 예수 나의 구세주 나의 하나님
A baby will save all of His children
Now give us the strength Lord
We glorify your name on High
Jesus our son, also our saviour
Praise your name Hallelujah!!!!