Always Saturday

Guadalcanal Diary
Album : Flip-Flop
Waterfall pavement shimmering
Sunshine washes everything
A basket of light, I am trusting
To water the lawn is a wondrous thing
If I could have it this way I know I'd
I'd wanna live where it's like today
I'd wanna live where it's always this way
I wanna live where it's always Saturday
A chorus of laughter fills the air
Everyone's going everywhere
So many choices it's not fair
I hop in the car and I just sit there
I don't need, need to think about how much I
I wanna live where it's all the same
I wanna live where it's all just like today
I wanna live where it's always Saturday
In the shops are shining things
I can I can see them glittering
I wish that I could buy them all
I wish I lived in a shopping mall
Shady back yard afternoon
Summer clothes and tennis shoes
When the light begins to fade
A porch swing creaks with lemonade...
A shower of whispers glow and bloom
Late night movie fills the room
Streetlights twinkling like dew
I close my eyes, it ends too soon
All in dreams, I can dream now oh how I
I wanna live where it's like today
I wanna live where it's always this way
I wanna live where it's always Saturday

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