Your Body, And The Borderline
Franz Nicolay
Album : To Us, The Beautiful!
"Take the corners hard and fast Hope the tread will hold The nights were hotter The days seemed so much colder when You were younger and living in Boulder Remember what kind of child you were Serene and savage, sensible of grace and cruelty Just waiting for the fates to fall in place. And that taste of freedom made you salivate It’s a delicacy The only thing sadder than an old hippie is a young hippie When something’s gone, it’s gone And I’ll thank you for your generosity I will collapse to the best of my ability Across your body, and the borderline. In a cracked mirror in the bathroom I watched the English beat the Welsh Over hotel room service I took stock, and the coroner’s word for it It’s a crime, it’s a crime And we do it to each other the same way every time When the police come and put the screws to me I will collaborate to the best of my ability With your body, and the borderline. Well, let’s settle this with a little game of rock, paper, scissors, shark, Neutron bomb, eternal dark, apocalypse, then judgment. And pretty soon we’ll figure out all that it meant was Oil rainbow in the road, rock salt to melt the snow You took out a personal, it said “Likes: yelling Celts Night people, blast beats, dry heat in a concrete bunker.” It’s like a dueling scar Ram Dass sticker on her stepdad’s Volvo in the yard Take charcoal for the heartburn Fennel for the morning sickness The glow around the bathroom door, soon extinguished. Clouds evolve into rain Rain slick to chase the heat I will forget to forget you And retreat across your body, and the borderline."