
Album : Rebell10n 1n neVeRland
Composition : john0
Composing : john0
Arrangements : john0
1n THe RealM wHeRe dReaMS STand ST1ll,
FaC1nG THe alluRe, TeST1nG MY w1ll
ToRn beTween YouTH, and THe GRowTH 1 SeeK,
THe baTTle oF CHanGe, MaKeS THe SP1R1T PeaK
wH1SPeRS oF eTeRnal PlaY, eCHo 1n THe bReeze,
PRoM1SeS oF endleSS daYS, TRY1nG To aPPeaSe.
buT THe Call oF MaTuR1TY, R1nGS loud and CleaR,
CHallenG1nG THe CoMFoRT, ConFRonT1nG THe FeaR
beYond THe HoR1zon, a new PaTH doeS beCKon,
leaV1nG beH1nd SHadowS, w1TH leSSonS To ReCKon
THe we1GHT oF T1Me, PReSS1nG on THe Soul,
FaC1nG THe unKnown, w1TH a HeaRT THaT'S wHole
1n THe RealM wHeRe dReaMS STand ST1ll,
FaC1nG THe alluRe, TeST1nG MY w1ll
ToRn beTween YouTH, and THe GRowTH 1 SeeK,
THe baTTle oF CHanGe, MaKeS THe SP1R1T PeaK
w1TH eVeRY STeP, THe HoR1zon doeS SH1FT,
1n THe qu1eT, a TRanSFoRMaT1on unFoldS,
beTween wHaT waS, and THe FuTuRe 1T HoldS
1n THe RealM wHeRe dReaMS STand ST1ll,
FaC1nG THe alluRe, TeST1nG MY w1ll
ToRn beTween YouTH, and THe GRowTH 1 SeeK,
THe baTTle oF CHanGe, MaKeS THe SP1R1T PeaK
R1S1nG FRoM MeMoR1eS, ReboRn anew,
eMbRaC1nG THe jouRneY, and THe CHallenGeS Too

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Singer Song title
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john0 ReTIReMenT
john0 Existence (Feat. Gterang of InsaneRattles)
john0 Alone
john0 Realize (Feat. T.Boots)
john0 Teardrops

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