THe Re1Gn (Feat. Gterang of InsaneRattles)

Album : Rebell10n 1n neVeRland
Composition : john0
Composing : john0
Arrangements : john0, Gterang
1n THe HeaRT oF THe SToRM, 1 STand alone,
CoMMand1nG THe w1ndS, MY PoweR GRown
FRoM THe aSHeS oF doubT, a RuleR eMeRGeS,
deFY1nG THe CHa1nS, aS deST1nY SuRGeS
THe woRld aT MY FeeT, 1TS SeCReTS unVe1led,
1n THe Re1Gn oF MY w1ll, no dReaM HaS Fa1led
S1lenT wH1SPeRS, TaleS oF old,
oF a Re1Gn unY1eld1nG, F1eRCe and bold
eCHoeS oF baTTleS, V1CToR1eS won,
undeR THe Gaze oF THe SeTT1nG Sun
eVeRY CHallenGe, eVeRY FRaY,
SHaPeS THe MonaRCH 1 aM TodaY
1n THe HeaRT oF THe SToRM, MY THRone ReMa1nS,
unY1eld1nG, unbRoKen, FRee FRoM CHa1nS
w1TH eVeRY baTTle, MY eMP1Re exPandS,
deST1n1eS alTeRed bY MY own HandS
THe TaPeSTRY oF T1Me, woVen bY Me,
a SYMPHonY oF PoweR, FoR all To See
1n THe danCe oF FaTe, wHeRe SHadowS PlaY,
1 Re1Gn SuPReMe, CoMe wHaT MaY
1n THe eCHoeS oF THe n1GHT, leGendS aRe Told,
oF a Re1Gn unend1nG, oF a HeaRT So bold
S1lenT wH1SPeRS, TaleS oF old,
oF a Re1Gn unY1eld1nG, F1eRCe and bold
eCHoeS oF baTTleS, V1CToR1eS won,
undeR THe Gaze oF THe SeTT1nG Sun

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